You can't miss it. Its building is as white as snow and there is a blue mini cooper with a lady maniquin sitting on the boot. It has white picket fences with doves sitting on its green hedges.
I decided to have dinner at this authentic place. The menu is like a comic book describing characters similar to the Fullhouse: Korean Drama (with the same title).
Trying the western cuisine apart from its continental dishes. The choice was a foot long sausage with whipped potato. And Sek-Wok Chicken Chop. The Chicken chop was spicy with the black pepper sauce but with the added grapes, provides sweetening and sourish taste.

The foot long sausage, well... I couldn't tell if it was really a foot long since it comes cut into four(4) pieces. The sausage is a little salty, but I guess the idea was to go together with the nice whipped potato so that it taste just right when placed into the mouth.

For drinks, I called for a normal and another specialized colorful drink. First with the red twisted straw is the lime juice. And the other with green coloring was Calamansi with Apple Juice and Jelly.