Here is another Japanese Buffet restaurant review. This restaurant has already been around and reviewed by lots of people for their freshness in seafood and also its creativity. My friends and I have the opportunity to visit and try out the food as well. The restaurant opens at 11.30am and closes for its morning/afternoon at 3.00pm. At the time we ate; the offer was at RM 77++ per person.

Even if you are not use to eating raw seafood, there are variety of cooked and fried dishes to choose from. Japanese pizza and spaghetti are also available. Since I am a sashimi lover, it is a definitely for me to feast on these fresh food. I do wish to comment however that the soyu or soy sauce is a little bit too salty compared to the usual sushi restaurants. Their wasabi is placed in small packaging but surprisingly its still fresh and tasty.

The oyster are also very fresh and very tasty. Do not forget to drink the freshly made coconut drink as it is healthy especially with nowadays cases of H1N1.

The dessert section is filled with a massive variety of cakes, cookies, sweetness galore and their ice-cream is from the best: Hagen Daaz

Do try out this Tenji Japanese Buffet. Its worth your every bite!